"Peace of Mind with TTT"

We are always appreciative of the fast response times from Tomorrow’s Technology Today. Our business relies heavily on our computers functioning efficiently so when an issue arises it’s nice to know it will be addressed promptly!

Recently we went through a major software update, which included every computer in the office. TTT was great about working with us to get this all done while we were out of the office to be sure the office flow was not interrupted. And on top of that, they were readily available the next business day to be sure everything worked as it should!

There is always peace of mind knowing that all of our IT services are handled by a local business who understands the area we live and work in.

Doctor - Dentistry

"Their work is exemplary!"

Let me start out by saying we are extremely happy with your service. As to cost, I'd say you get what you pay for! We have used other companies, but they did not do as extensive and complete job on all of our technology - computers, iPads, and Smart Boards.

With other companies we have had to have technicians come back repeatedly.
Obviously, since we had to call your company, they did not fix the problem!
Your technicians are very accessible and we have had immediate response when we had questions. Their work has always been exemplary.

I feel that it is imperative to have monitoring and backups for our system. We have had a problem with viruses in the past although the previous company had installed preventative software.

We are a school where confidentiality is a concern. We need everything protected as students and outside people are very good when it comes to technology and how to get around firewalls, etc.

I am very pleased with the services we have received and would highly recommend your company to anyone. I would be happy to talk to people if they have any questions. Thanks again for your excellent service.

Director & Co-Founder - Education

"We work on insurance, TTechT works on IT"

In 2017, our remote IT guy retired, making us search for a local IT company. We choose Tomorrow’s Technology Today. The single biggest benefit our company experienced is the ability to concentrate on selling and serving insurance rather than dealing with our technology and computer issues.

Tomorrow’s Technology Today provides more knowledge than other IT firms, which allows us to use our computers most efficiently. We are extremely satisfied with their service, knowledge and responsiveness. Give them a call.

President - Insurance

"Excellent service and attention to detail."

Working with Tomorrow’s Technology Today is extremely easy and beneficial. With our professionally designed website and mobile application, we are now more visible to new customers and able to communicate with them more efficiently.

TTechT supports all of our technical and security needs which allows us to focus on running a successful business. Their service and attention to detail is better than anyone else.

Golf Pro - Golf & Recreation

"Polite and Speedy customer service."

I was skeptical at first regarding the price, since I also am a penny pinching kind of person. I had heard awesome things about TTechT. After checking around, and they are local the price was similar to the competitors.

We hadn’t backed up our system correctly, or monitored security from hacking/virus before TTechT. It is so easy in today’s world for hackers to gain access to your systems. I needed someone I could trust since they are monitoring our entire system and handling our remote system. TTechT also manages our website, we also have been hacked on our website. Since TTechT monitors the website, they were able to notice the site had been hacked before any damage was done to our website.

One of the biggest benefits to me is, I am able to log on from home/travel and if I have any issues to email or text them and someone calls me back. I have even called Lisa at 5:00 am during our busy season and she has answered the phone to help me, or if she is unable to help me she gets someone who can help me. I don’t mind paying a little more for the extraordinarily response time and the accuracy on the task they complete; you need to pay a little more to make sure your business is secure.

The employees at TT has are awesome, so polite, when I call in and on location. When I need them in an emergency they are there. They come prepared and with a solution to my problem. Choosing TTechT to handle our technology needs I never have to think about our data being protected! I can focus on our core business and know that our technology is “handled”.

Business Manager - Nursery / Greenhouse / Retail / Service

"You get what you pay for."

We know from experience, that you get what you pay for. We don’t have a dedicated IT person, so we need a reliable, trustworthy outside source. TTT is great at many things, but their most impressive quality is their response time. They are here when we need them and are able to get the job done quickly and correctly. We can tend to be a bit needy, and TTT is always willing to explain and educate us on minor issues. As dependent as we’ve become on technology, we’re happy and willing to spend a little more for the peace of mind that TTT gives us.

Some of the biggest benefits TTT provides, are security and monitoring of our system. We don’t need to worry about SPAM emails, viruses, etc. Knowing that they are our “watchdog” eases the stress and worry of a possible system crash. In the event something would happen, we can feel much better knowing that our system is being backed up regularly and not everything would be lost!

Overall, I would recommend TTT and their services to any of my colleagues, friends, family, etc. We have been extremely happy with their service, professionalism, knowledge, and (often-times) hand-holding!

Logistics - Manufacturing

"I trust TTechT"

I chose TTechT because you are a local company. You want to be successful, you want to do things right. Going with TTechT has proven to be a great choose for us. Location is a bonus; you are close when I need assistance. The price was not a big consideration; you get what you pay for. Being a small company, I can't afford to hire an IT person. Hiring your company was the most economical option. I trust your company because I know the people working there. I understand that their end goal is for our company to succeed and they have the work ethic to help us succeed. I never had someone do security for our computers. I like the peace of mind that your company is looking after the backups, security, and the network health for our company.

Owner - Construction / Service

"Dependable IT Services"

We do not have an IT department for our small business, and we needed someone who we could depend on to help set up a network and monitor any issues that arise. I am able to call Tomorrows Technology Today and speak to an individual who has the knowledge necessary to either walk me through the steps to correct any issue I may be having or they can log in to my system via remote and fix the problem immediately, which means less down time for our business!

Tomorrows Technology Today staff are able to monitor our server and alert us to potential security problems. They have initiated calls to our business alerting us to needed updates and issues with our backups. I do not have to worry about anything because I know that with them monitoring our systems we are covered.

A few months ago my email was on the verge of crashing! I called TTT and one of the IT guys logged into the sever, diagnosed the problem, and had me up and running within 20 minutes. I use TTT, because I know an individual will answer the phone, not a machine, and the staff will always do their best to solve any issues quickly.

Account Manager - Agricultural Equipment

"Peace of Mind at the end of the day"

At first it seems like a lot of money but I cannot afford to have my company’s computers go down or lose valuable data. We only have six computers but they are vital to our business. I just write it off as a part of doing business that gives me peace of mind knowing things are getting taken care of and backups in place in case of a catastrophe.

I have no complaints with your services. You guys do a great job of keeping our systems up to date and respond quickly with any request we make. George has always been able to fix anything I screw up. We have dealt with different companies through the years with a problem here or there (mainly viruses) but found nobody that offers the services that TTechT provides for us. I can say that since you guys have been monitoring our system we have had no problems.

General Manager - Construction / Service

"Great Spam Control options"

TTechT is dependable and available on a short notice. We have always had very quick response to problems and there has never been a time when they said “we will get to it tomorrow—it was always immediate response or within the hour. The amount of down time they have prevented us from has saved our company time and money over the years.

I enjoy the monitoring services because, I do not have to worry if our spam and virus protection is up-to-date TTT takes care of it for us. Also it is a peace of mind to know that if there is an issue they are on top of it. For example: we felt our internet was slower than normal so, we unplugged our router for a while; as we have been instructed to do so in the past by the TTT Staff. We got tied up with other things, and did not plug back in right away, so we got a call from TTT asking if everything is ok. With TTT’s monitoring system they got a warning from our system about everything not working properly. That is what I pay for—the peace of mind, convenience and dependability.

I highly recommend TTT to anyone looking for a company with dependable and knowledgeable staff. Remember you get what you pay for.

Office Manager - Agricultural Services

"Top of the Line Security Options"

We have been with TTechT for over a year and are extremely satisfied with quality of your service. Previous to turning over our security needs to TTechT we were with another provider and service was good, but our overall security was limited. We also priced several vendors (AVG and one other) before making the switch and TTechT fees per PC are very much in line for the coverage we are receiving.

We are now embarking on phase 2 with TTechT. We are adding the domain controller, which will add a much needed second layer of protection. Ensuring proper security measures and keeping up with security software is the # 1 safety measure to safeguard our client’s information. We have a duty to our customers to protect their private information. Working with TTechT has made that process easier and more reliable. We also need to be sure we are backing up all of our data! Data lose would be very harmful to our company. We are glad backups are a breeze with TTechT!

President - Medical / Pharmaceutical

"Great Technology Partner"

The technology climate today is much different than it was five years ago. Back then, we were comfortable keeping all of our own information on our desktop computers and taking them in for service if need be. Then the compliance issues became much more structured thru credit cards, banking and the like. I had attended a Rotary meeting where a guest speaker discussed the importance of backing up your information, etc. Recently afterwards, I received a post card from Lisa at TTechT and called her to ask some follow up questions. In the end, I obviously decided to have your company put Bella’s on your system. I am in the restaurant business, not the technology business. I am smart enough to know that I can cook, cater and function well as a restaurant, but I am not an expert in the technology field. I had done some research on other companies, but soon realized that TTechT has the expertise that far exceeds the competition. I am willing to pay a little extra to get the best representation over my technology needs. I also appreciate that your employees have ties to the community and have given countless hours back to our area.

In today’s market, there is a tremendous amount of scams, virus challenges and the need for our ever-growing business to have a back-up monitoring system. If one of my computers goes down, I will lose my entire accounting system, recipes, touch screen entries and inventories. I had a scare with one of my computers that held our entire catering portfolio prior to calling you all. Luckily, you all were able to get the information off of my hard drive and set me up on a backup system. It was after that scare that I realized how important my data was to Bella’s and that I had been foolish not to have done it sooner. I can’t even imagine losing 16 years of information that I kept accumulating and never had a backup plan in place. Since choosing Tomorrow’s Technology Today, I have been extremely satisfied with your service, your quick responses, and ability to remotely log in to our systems if necessary. I am never concerned about any computer issues anymore. Thanks again for being a great technology partner with Bella’s.

Owner - Restaurant / Catering

"Best IT Services Around"

Tomorrow’s Technology Today is the best thing that has happened to Stachler Concrete. The price for their service is worth knowing your company is being monitored and given the service you’re looking for. They are very professional yet personable. You tell them what you need and they do everything they can to accommodate your needs. Our wait time for their service is shorter than any other IT company that we have been with previously. We like the fact that they can monitor our network remotely. It eliminates viruses, hackers, etc. that can happen to a system without your knowing until it’s too late. I would highly recommend Tomorrow’s Technology Today to anyone looking for a reliable technical service.

Owner - Concrete Construction

"I can see the difference between TTechT and the other consultant"

We started out on a contract with TTechT for setting up a virtual private network for our robot. George did a wonderful job and we had little to no problems when the robot went live. Then problems arose with the robot communicating to our software. The network that was installed had nothing to do with this communication problem. George came in and quietly went around doing his job and not distracting the staff. I was very pleased with the service. We have little to no problems with the network installed by TTechT.

When we worked with another IT Consulting Team we seemed to have problems from time to time and they were never able to pinpoint the problem the consultant or the associate at the software company.

Yes, there was a price difference, but since we have been we TTechT we have felt very confident in the services that we are receiving. We decided to change our contract to the SMaRT services that they offer. It is a maintained prevention contract that provides us with on time updates and protection. In hindsight, I can see the difference between TTechT and the other consultant. The consultant also had never before did what we started out with TTechT.

As far as monitoring and benefits, it is amazing to be able to contact TTechT and someone is usually available to handle questions and to address the issues evenly remotely without having to step into the store. The monitoring of viruses and spamming has been eliminated. Knowing that our software is being updated daily with patches and the call when a battery needs to be replaced is special (not a surprise).

Just know that I feel comfortable with all of the staff at TTechT. George was our first encounter and we have worked with all. Your people have a good handle on the technology at your level and I wouldn’t feel comfortable trying to attempt this job.

Pharmacist - Medical / Pharmaceautical

"They always have a Plan"

I was intrigued by the newsletter that Lisa Urwin mailed out regularly so, when I decided that when we had a problem it was costing me too much time, money, and frustration, they were one of the two companies I called. I could not afford the time to have someone take a few days to fix my computer. I don't know how to set up wireless hardware. It seemed every time I bought a new item it took me at least a day to tie it into what I had.

I felt that we were too small to afford to enroll in this type of service, but I am also smart enough to foresee that if I can't handle installing hardware or even software without a headache, I would have a mess on my hands if we had a catastrophic hack. I bit the bullet and enrolled and am so happy to say the peace of mind has lifted a burden.

I have since talked to other small business owners that I have admired in the area and am surprised at how many of them do not have the protection I have. Since enrolling in the SMaRT service, I can say I have not had any troubles that have delayed my ability to work. I am very happy to know that for less than we pay for any other utility each month, I am covered.

In Lisa's newsletters she wrote of the issues that may not have affected me yet but definitely could. They were issues that I would have never expected could happen and, I needed to know the risk about the potential problems. I could definitely see that when we took our accounting system to the cloud we would be even more vulnerable.

We really don't have a plan as to how we will grow or expand but, I am not worried that we will have a problem adding new hardware and software or that our information won't be safe. I don't have to spend time researching each new feature on the virus protection plans, or worrying that I chose the wrong one. I don't understand most of the jargon anyway. I feel confident letting TTT chose and protect me. They have the plan!

Owner - Agricultural Service

"Always easy to work with."

My name is Becky Dues and I work at Midwest Certified Boom Repair Services Inc. Over the years, we have worked with various IT companies and people and have decided to continue to work with TTechT because of their polite, friendly and knowledge personnel. We had a major computer crash in 2010 and TTechT helped get us back up and running and worked directly with Intuit on or QuickBooks issues. We have since utilized TTechT’s Smart services for continued monitoring on our computers and are alerted if a problem arises. I would highly recommend TTechT to anyone!!

TTechT designed a website for Midwest Certified Boom Repair Services Inc. , Inc. and we were very pleased with the colorful and easy to navigate website. We have received many compliments on our website from our customers. TTechT makes quarterly updates and will make changes as needed, if desired. I would highly recommend TTEchT to design a website for your company.

Office Manager - Welding / Repair

"A successful business can’t afford to be down"

Having a reliable, secure, “always on” network is important to our business because, we depend upon the reliable network to communicate with customers, vendors and employees, process customer orders and credit card payments and share data within the office.

Before switching to Lisa’s Services, we were spending too much time and money trying to troubleshoot and repair network issues ourselves. We have the benefit of assurance that if our network goes down for whatever reason we can contact TTechT Support and have a technician available within a reasonable time frame. This allows the employees to stay focused on their job responsibilities and greatly reduce inefficiencies due to the network being down.

We can contact TTechT Support with one click from any workstation to create a ticket. This takes a screenshot of the issue we are having and provides the necessary information to the technician.

We definitely recommend Tomorrow’s Technology Today because, a successful business cannot afford to be down and have employees unable to assist customers in a timely fashion. In addition, TTechT provides data backup, manages software updates and provides spam control so we don’t have to worry about managing those time consuming issues.

President - Distribution

"Quick Response time every time"

What I enjoy most about TTechT’s services is, It’s painless free for me. I just email it in, tell them my problem, and it magically gets fixed.

I would recommend your services. You guys do great work. My network has been up and running with no issues, I’m not sure if it’s just luck or if it’s you guys doing your job. But I’m certain that it’s more of you guys doing your job than just luck.

Tomorrows Technology Today’s Team is a pleasure to work with. Their ideas and responsiveness have exceeded my expectations. Their implementation of web site information and technical support go far beyond the industry norms. TtechT adds value through inventive applications for my business. Being in a smaller community helps them understand local businesses and accommodate their customer’s requests. I am happy to be a customer and friend to Lisa and her TtechT team.

Owner / Artistic Director - Dance Studio

"Emergency Hot Line is Great Customer Service"

Before choosing Tomorrow’s Technology Today, my main were a slow network and some other software issues that needed addressed, and to the best of my knowledge it is working better than ever before.

The biggest benefit to hiring TTechT is I don’t have to mess with my network going down anymore. Simple as that. I can hack my way through some problems, but when I have problems, I handle it myself, and I spend a lot of time trying to fix stuff and it eats up a lot of time.

I’m running a network of ten computers. It’s not a bad cost per computer. I typically don’t worry about my computers going down, and if they do go down, then I just send off an email and I typically get help within a half an hour or forty minutes. If it’s an emergency issue, then TTechT does their best to help me out. If it’s not an emergency issue, then I usually indicate that in my email and they accommodate me as needed.

Owner - Machining

"Cost efficient Solutions"

Before TTT came into our office we had extremely outdated equipment, since we are a nonprofit organization, we needed reasonably priced equipment. Lisa presented us with lots of options that were cost efficient for our business. Lisa and her staff understand the importance of our business and make themselves easily available when we need them. TTechT’s customer service is outstanding, so we ended up going with their Smart Services to help educate the not so tech savvy people in the office (myself included). We have seen a return on our investment with our Smart Services, everything in the office runs smoother and with the new equipment we are more productive in a business day.

Manager - Nonprofit / Recreation

"Above and beyond the rest."

Tomorrow’s Technology Today provides service above and beyond any other IT company.  Their staff is very thorough, personable and enjoyable to work with.

Their platinum service plan provides us with many benefits. Our employees are able to call their help desk and speak directly to a technician, our issues are addressed in a timely manner and I do not have to spearhead every individual computer issue. Equally as important, I do not have to deal with multiple invoices as most of their labor is included in our monthly fee.

Lisa is great to work with. She will explain and discuss any issue I might have. She is open minded and willing to work out any problems that arise.

If you are in need of IT support, call Tomorrow’s Technology Today!

Office Manager - Veterinary

"Great Customer Service"

The website developer did a great job developing our website!

President - Maintenance / Construction

"Saving money while focusing on our business."

As a company we are saving money with Tomorrow’s Technology Today’s vCIO services vs. paying for every IT support call. We feel this service plan fits the needs of our employees.

Bonnie is very helpful, responsive and just wonderful to work with. The techs do a great job but having an organized point person is key to keeping things going in a timely manner and this is what Bonnie helps us do.

By allowing Tomorrow’s Technology Today worry about our IT issues, we are able to focus on our business. Give them a call today!

Office Manager - Insurance

"No more worrying."

Tomorrow’s Technology Today has completely eliminated my worry! I don’t have to worry about updates, backups or someone hacking into our system. Tomorrow’s Technology Today is monitoring our system every day and night and all our data is backed up off site. When we do have a problem, they log in remotely and repair it the same day. I would highly recommend Tomorrow’s Technology Today to anyone.

Owner - Food Industry

"Helpful and Supportive Staff"

I would highly recommend businesses and organizations to contact Tomorrow’s Technology Today! Not only is their work professional and impressive, their staff is very helpful, supportive and great to work with!

Former Executive Director - Non-Profit

"Ranks above the rest."

We are extremely happy knowing that all of our computer systems are being watched after each and every day and that they are being updated through the evening. We don’t fall behind on important updates or virus scans or lose time during the day for updates or downtime.

Tomorrow’s Technology Today ranks above the rest when it comes to communication. If something comes up, TTechT is on the phone right away.  In the past, with other IT companies, we would call and may hear something back in a few days.

Definitely get in touch with Tomorrow’s Technology Today.  They will provide the services that you are looking for.  They have many different options to suit your business needs.

Owner - Industrial / Manufacturing

"Local, hometown IT provider."

We love having our IT support system in our backyard. We call them with any sort of computer and printer problem-nothing is too big or too small. They provide quick and friendly solutions. If they can’t help us remotely, they can be onsite the same day or sometimes even the same hour! Consider Tomorrow’s Technology Today for all your computer support, back up programs and computer/printer software needs.

Owner - Energy

"One call and our needs are addressed."

The single biggest benefit since moving our services to Tomorrow’s Technology Today is that with a single phone call our needs are addressed. They offer quick, professional response times whenever an IT issue surfaces…and it will, usually when you need the equipment the most!

Vice President - Retail Sales

"Top-notch customer service."

We hired Tomorrow’s Technology Today when our previous IT provider retired. They worked remotely to get our laptops and emails set up properly for our business. They were available 24/7 to fix any and all our problems. They made the process seamless and were with us every step of the way. If you are looking for IT support with top-notch customer service, contact Tomorrow’s Technology Today!

Business Owner - Construction Industry

"Love our new website"

Because of the circumstances with our old web provider, this was not an easy accomplishment! The website developer was super! We really appreciate all her patience and dedication. We really didn't compare prices, we knew we wanted to stay local and got good references for your company.

Office Manager - Automotive Service

"Tomorrow’s Technology Today is the REAL thing!"

The single biggest benefit to having Tomorrow’s Technology Today’s services is that we no longer need to spend time fixing our computer system – which for us, had been a time sucker.

Tomorrow’s Technology Today is the real thing – not a hobbyist, as many are. The staff does wonderful work and are extremely responsive to any issues that arise.

Attorney - Legal

"Over delivered on my expectations."

Thanks for all of your help with the migration. I really don't know how it could have went much smoother. I was very impressed. I know I told Lisa I felt your guy's hourly rate was high, but you have proven it is one of those things where you get what you pay for. Thank you for over delivering on my expectations.

Chief Financial Officer - Agricultural

"They Have Retrieved Data We Thought Was Long Gone!"

We have required the services of Tomorrow’s Technology Today on several occasions, ranging from system management and updates to system forensics retrieval projects from our server.

On every occasion, the staff of Tomorrow’s Technology Today have always responded to our needs with a sense of urgency, along with great technical knowledge and of the up most professionalism. Their response to our needs have supported the growth of our business in several ways. We are very fortunate to have such a service as TTT in our area, ready and willing to serve the IT needs of our business community.

HR Manager - Manufacturing

"Always my top choice for computer support"

Thank you to Tony for all your help with our computers!!!! Very much appreciated!

Owner - Interior Design / Installation / Retail

"Supportive, knowledgeable and impressive staff "

The staff at Tomorrow’s Technology Today is supportive, extremely knowledgeable and their availability is impressive. Our questions and concerns are answered and addressed quickly. If you are looking for first-class IT support, look no further!

“Speedy and engaging”

Tomorrow’s Technology Today’s response time is far superior to other information technology firms that I have worked with. Our team consistently speaks about the quick response that we get from your team. This and your personal engagement are difference makers for us.

Vice President - Manufacturing Company