How migrating to Azure is modernizing JB Hunt

[youtube] JB Hunt is reinventing its enterprise by migrating to the Azure cloud, which is helping the company manage 18 billion integration points and 8 billion transactions over the next 3-5 years. They are moving over 2100 applications to ...

Introducing Microsoft Teams

[vimeo 381333926 w=560 h=315] How do you empower great ideas across a digital workspace so that they evolve in a fluid and organic matter? This is a critical question to answer for any company with a remote workforce—and with teams ...

Customer story: Meals on Wheels

[vimeo 359850841 w=560 h=315] For the Meals on Wheels organization in Greenville County, South Carolina, serving and improving the lives of community members is a daily practice. As the nonprofit company grew, so did the need for their services in ...

Change Management Needs Change Management

In this article, Rephael Sweary suggests that companies must combat competing technological giants "by hyperactivating their capability to react to digital change. [This can be] an especially tall ask for organizations rooted in a long history of pre-digital operations." This ...

Avoid security breaches: How to protect your data

Updating your security measures can be tricky, especially if you don't know where to start. Luckily, securing your sensitive data is easier than you think. With these tips on how to protect your valuable company data, you can create a ...

Protect your business with advanced security from Microsoft 365 Business

We get it: running a small business is no small task. We know your customers have no shortage of security concerns, whether it be preventing data loss or ensuring information-rights management. Good news! Now, with security solutions from Microsoft 365 ...

Small and Mid-Size Businesses Need to Focus on Cybersecurity

Contrary to popular opinion, small and mid-size businesses are at a greater risk for a cybersecurity attack than large corporations. But because many SMBs assume they're not at risk, they rarely invest in security measures that could save their businesses. ...

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For team members to work in concert together, they need a set of tools designed to work in concert together. Office 365, with Microsoft Teams at the center, enables real-time communication and collaboration among team members, whether they're located across ...

How Airbus is transforming aerospace with Microsoft Azure Stack

[youtube] Discover how Airbus took its Defense and Space program on a digital transformation journey to fine-tune the design, build and operation of complex products. Learn why Microsoft Azure Stack is critical to program success--not only for the ways ...

Customer story: iSalon

[vimeo 359849767 w=560 h=315] For UK-based business iSalon, protecting sensitive customer data is their top priority. iSalon provides software and management systems to over 2,000 hair salons, and most of their customers are small business owners who have poured their ...