
More Timesaving Tips and Tricks for Microsoft Word

There is more to Microsoft Word than meets the eye. You’ve probably been a user for years and still may not know the full potential Word offers. In our last newsletter we gave 8 ...

Form Your Own Opinion of Microsoft Forms

What Is Forms? Collecting data from users, customers or partners is a breeze with the built-in application tool from Microsoft 365 called Forms. You don’t need web design or developer skills to request a bit of information, the process is ...

One Place in OneNote

What is OneNote? You may have seen a little notebook icon on your computer but didn’t know much about it, let me introduce you to OneNote. Just as it implies, its intention is to take notes, but OneNote goes beyond ...

Which is Best for Your Business?

At first glance G Suite and Microsoft Office 365 seem to offer similar applications and features but if you take a closer look, you will see some key differences that confirm the reason Microsoft dominates the market for business productivity ...

Discover the Modern Way of Collaborating

Email is everywhere, it seems like it has been around forever. However, is it the most effective way for groups of people to collaborate on work and advance business goals? Most will answer no. We have all been through email ...

Is OneDrive for Business right for you?

Effortlessly Use OneDrive For Business Have you ever been in a situation where you needed access to some really important files, but they were on your computer? Or you needed access to certain files, but they were being sent back ...

We got all information about you

So I am on my way back from a security conference in Dallas.  I am sitting in the airport waiting on my flight checking emails on my phone.  In pops this email about "We got all information about you" as ...

The Irma of Data Breaches - Equifax breach

It is so sad to say this data breach happened in Mid-May; did not even discovered it until July 29; and then affected individuals have not officially been told yet. Here is the official word from Equifax about the incident: ...

6 Ways to Avoid a Breach : 6. HUMAN error

And lastly the reason 95% of the business get compromised… HUMAN error. Employees need cyber training just like they need skills training. You must have a consistent message to employees. The easiest way to do this is having a cyber ...

6 Ways to Avoid a Breach : 5. Email with spam protection

Email with spam protection; Internet Service Providers (ISP) hosted email is not secure enough these days. An ISP is in the business to provide you internet they have networking technology and equipment; their forte is not to run an email ...